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Jungle Scout Review


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What is Jungle Scout?

Jungle Scout’s evolution from a simple Chrome extension to a comprehensive suite of tools reflects its founder Greg Mercer’s keen understanding of the Amazon seller ecosystem. The company’s success can be attributed to its continuous adaptation to the evolving needs of Amazon sellers, leveraging data analytics and user feedback to refine its offerings.Greg Mercer’s approach of encouraging team members to engage in Amazon selling alongside their roles at Jungle Scout is noteworthy. This strategy not only fosters a deeper understanding of customer pain points but also cultivates empathy within the team towards the challenges faced by Amazon sellers. By staying closely connected to the selling community, Jungle Scout can tailor its tools and services to address real-world problems effectively.

The global team of 215 employees, led by Greg Mercer and supported by a high-level executive team, underscores Jungle Scout’s commitment to scaling operations while maintaining a customer-centric approach. This organizational structure likely facilitates agile decision-making and efficient execution of strategic initiatives, contributing to Jungle Scout’s sustained growth and market leadership in the Amazon seller tools space.In summary, Jungle Scout’s journey from a startup to an industry leader reflects a blend of innovation, customer-centricity, and organizational agility. By fostering a deep connection with the Amazon selling community and empowering its employees to engage directly in e-commerce, Jungle Scout continues to set the benchmark for effective solutions in the competitive FBA platform ecosystem.

What benefits does Jungle Scout offer Amazon sellers?

Jungle Scout’s suite of tools provides several key benefits for users:

Confidence-Boosting Product Research: Jungle Scout enables sellers to make informed decisions by analyzing data on potential products. This research helps sellers identify products with proven demand within their niche, boosting confidence in their choices and increasing the likelihood of successful product launches.

Time-Saving Automation: The platform’s automation features, such as review request tools and analytics reports, help Amazon sellers streamline their operations and save significant time. By automating tasks that would otherwise be manual and time-consuming, sellers can focus more on growing their business and less on routine administrative work.

Money-Making Decision-Making: Jungle Scout empowers users to leverage powerful tools and data-driven insights to make informed decisions. By using these tools effectively, sellers can launch more successful products, expand their Amazon FBA business, and ultimately increase their profitability. Making smarter decisions based on reliable data leads to higher returns on investment and more significant business growth.

In summary, Jungle Scout’s innovative tools provide sellers with the confidence to choose profitable products, the efficiency to save time on routine tasks, and the insights to make money-making decisions that drive business success on Amazon.

Who is Jungle Scout best for?

Jungle Scout’s software offers significant value to users at different stages of their selling journey:

Beginners: For those starting out, Jungle Scout provides essential tools for product research, keyword research, and listing optimization. These features are crucial for new sellers to identify viable products, understand market demand, and optimize their product listings to increase visibility and sales on Amazon.

Growing Sellers: As sellers gain traction and grow their businesses, Jungle Scout continues to be valuable with features focused on ongoing management and optimization. Tools like the Rank Tracker help monitor product performance in search results, while Review Automation streamlines the process of gathering and managing customer feedback. Advertising Analytics enable sellers to optimize their Amazon PPC campaigns for maximum ROI.

Large Brands and Agencies: Jungle Scout’s enterprise-level features cater to larger brands and agencies, offering advanced automation and scalability. While these features are beyond the scope of this review, they provide powerful tools for managing and growing extensive product portfolios at scale.

In summary, Jungle Scout’s diverse range of features caters to users at every stage of their Amazon selling journey. Beginners benefit from foundational tools to kickstart their business, while growing sellers can leverage advanced management features to optimize and scale their operations. Additionally, large brands and agencies have access to enterprise-grade solutions to support extensive product management needs. This versatility makes Jungle Scout a valuable platform for sellers looking to succeed and grow on Amazon.

Jungle Scout Pros & Cons


Based on the review from, Jungle Scout offers several notable advantages for users:

Highly Accurate Data: Jungle Scout is praised for providing reliable and accurate data. This is crucial for sellers relying on data-driven insights to make informed decisions about product research, market trends, and competitor analysis.

Clean User Interface: The platform features a user-friendly interface that enhances usability and navigability. A clean interface simplifies the process of accessing tools and features, making it easier for users to leverage Jungle Scout’s capabilities effectively.

Good Customer Support: Jungle Scout is recognized for its responsive and helpful customer support. Having access to reliable support ensures that users can address any issues or questions promptly, enhancing their overall experience with the platform.

Wide Array of Quality Tools: Jungle Scout offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to assist sellers at various stages of their Amazon journey. From product research to performance tracking and trend analysis, the diverse range of tools caters to different needs and objectives.

Wide Range of Learning Materials: In addition to its tools, Jungle Scout provides a wealth of educational resources and learning materials. These resources can be invaluable for users looking to expand their knowledge of Amazon selling strategies, marketing techniques, and business optimization.

Overall, Jungle Scout stands out as a robust platform that not only delivers accurate data and quality tools but also prioritizes user experience through intuitive design and excellent customer support. The combination of these factors contributes to Jungle Scout’s reputation as a valuable resource for Amazon sellers seeking to maximize their success on the platform.


No Free Trial: Jungle Scout does not offer a free trial for users to test out the platform before committing to a subscription. This lack of a trial period may be a drawback for those who prefer to try out a service before making a purchase decision.

No Mobile App Version: As of the review, Jungle Scout does not have a dedicated mobile app version. This means that users may not have the convenience of accessing Jungle Scout’s features and data on-the-go via a mobile device.

Primarily Focuses on FBA Sellers: Jungle Scout’s tools and features are primarily designed for sellers using Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) program. While this is beneficial for FBA sellers, those using other fulfillment methods or selling on different platforms may find Jungle Scout less accommodating to their specific needs.

No Multi-Platform Support: The review notes that Jungle Scout does not offer multi-platform support, meaning it is focused solely on Amazon sellers. Sellers looking to expand their business across multiple e-commerce platforms may find this limitation restrictive.

Product Research

Jungle Scout’s suite of product research tools offers comprehensive functionality to assist sellers in identifying profitable niches and products for their Amazon businesses. Here’s a breakdown of each tool and its primary features:

Product Database

This tool allows users to search for niches and products based on specific criteria such as low competition, high demand, good ROI potential, and more. Sellers can apply various filters to refine their search and uncover product opportunities that align with their business goals. The Product Database helps sellers make data-driven decisions by providing insights into market trends and competition levels.

Opportunity Finder

The Opportunity Finder is designed to uncover trendy yet less competitive niches on Amazon. This tool helps sellers identify emerging markets or product categories that present growth opportunities with lower competition, allowing them to capitalize on market trends before they become saturated.

Product Tracker

The Product Tracker offers a detailed view of a specific product’s performance over time. Sellers can monitor key metrics such as sales volume, pricing trends, and inventory levels for products of interest. This tool enables sellers to track competitors and gain valuable insights into market dynamics, which can inform pricing strategies and product launches.

Category Trends

With Category Trends, sellers can access real-time updates on Amazon’s best-selling products and trending categories. This tool provides visibility into popular products within specific categories, allowing sellers to stay informed about consumer preferences and identify opportunities for expansion or product diversification.

In addition to these tools, Jungle Scout offers advanced features like FBA and FBM filters, which cater to sellers using different fulfillment methods on Amazon. The inclusion of metrics like the Niche Score further enhances the ability to evaluate and prioritize niche opportunities based on their potential for success.Overall, Jungle Scout’s product research tools empower Amazon sellers with the data and insights needed to make informed decisions, optimize product selection, and maximize profitability in a competitive marketplace.


Yes, Jungle Scout offers valuable tools for finding suppliers when you’re sourcing products for your e-commerce business. Their Supplier Database and Supplier Tracker tools can be incredibly useful in identifying reliable suppliers and managing your relationships with them. These tools help streamline the process of supplier research and enable sellers to make informed decisions about which suppliers to work with.

Supplier Database

It sounds like the combination of the Supplier Database and Supplier Tracker tools provided by Jungle Scout offers a powerful solution for e-commerce sellers seeking quality suppliers efficiently. The Supplier Database’s ability to scan publicly available import documents and match them to Amazon sellers based on various search parameters provides a significant advantage in sourcing products.

Once you’ve identified potential suppliers through the Supplier Database, the ability to easily access their contact information and add them to the Supplier Tracker streamlines the process of managing supplier relationships. This approach not only saves time but also enhances organization and ensures effective follow-up with each supplier.By leveraging these tools, e-commerce sellers can expedite the process of finding high-quality suppliers and establish productive partnerships to support their business growth. It’s like having a cheat code for sourcing success!

Supplier Tracker

Beyond being a basic supplier database, Jungle Scout’s Supplier Tracker offers comprehensive features:

Communication: Easily store contact details for shortlisted suppliers for quick communication.
Sample Analysis: Document sample quality with photos and comments for future reference.
Quote Comparisons: Compare quotes from different suppliers conveniently in one location.
Purchase Orders: Efficiently create professional purchase orders once a supplier is selected to kickstart manufacturing.

These tools distinguish Jungle Scout, proving invaluable for Amazon FBA businesses in sourcing new products.


Keyword research and listing optimization are pivotal for ensuring that your new products reach the right audience. Fortunately, Jungle Scout offers valuable assistance in these areas.

Keyword Scout

Jungle Scout integrates what other tools often separate by providing the ability to search by keyword or ASIN in a single platform called Keyword Scout. Upon entering a keyword, it generates a list of related keywords along with crucial data such as:

1.Keyword search volume and trends: This data helps you understand the popularity of each keyword and its trend over time.

2.PPC bid estimates: This feature offers insights into the potential cost of Amazon PPC ads, giving you an idea of the bidding landscape for each keyword.

3.Ease to rank: This metric assists in prioritizing keywords by indicating which ones you have a higher likelihood of ranking for, streamlining your keyword selection process.

You can also apply additional filters to refine your search according to your specific criteria. When entering an ASIN, Keyword Scout generates a list of keywords for which that particular ASIN is ranking, providing the same keyword data as a standard keyword search.Furthermore, you have the option to add up to 9 competing ASINs, allowing you to gather data from a total of 10 products. However, there’s a missing filter that would significantly enhance the multi-ASIN search: the ability to filter by ranking competitors.

This feature would enable you to specify the number of ASINs that should be ranking for a keyword, helping you eliminate random outlier keywords. While this filter is currently unavailable, you can still manually check through your keyword list to achieve similar results.


If you’re curious about why ‘Advertising’ is categorized separately from ‘Marketing’, you’re not alone.

Within the Advertising section, there’s a single tool:

Ads Analytics

Understanding the essential metrics of your Amazon PPC campaigns is critical for their success.

Ads Analytics from Jungle Scout provides comprehensive data to help you achieve this.

Once your Amazon account is linked, you can quickly view a performance summary and delve deeper into key metrics such as:

  • ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales)
  • TACOS (Total Advertising Cost of Sales)
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate)
  • CVR (Conversion Rate)
  • CPC (Cost Per Click)

However, Jungle Scout’s main weakness lies in its advertising (or marketing) tools, as it lacks campaign management or automation features.While Helium 10 now charges extra for its PPC tool, and competitors like Zoof and AMZ Scout do not offer PPC tools either, most sellers would benefit from seeking a dedicated Amazon PPC software solution regardless.

Jungle Scout pricing

Jungle Scout provides a variety of pricing options tailored to meet the needs of sellers at every stage of their Amazon FBA journey.


The ‘Basic’ Jungle Scout plan will help you validate product ideas as you browse Amazon with its famous browser Google Chrome extension, along with the core Review Automation tool.

$29/month billed annually
$49/month billed monthly


The ‘Suite’ Jungle Scout plan will give you everything you need to find new products & expertly manage your growing Amazon business on an ongoing basis.

$49/month billed annually
$69/month billed monthly


The ‘Professional’ Jungle Scout plan gives you more data, more users, and more access to the range of tools within the suite — ideal for experienced sellers needing more capacity.

$84/month billed annually
$129/month billed monthly


In conclusion, Jungle Scout stands out as a comprehensive and invaluable tool for Amazon FBA sellers, offering a suite of features that streamline product research, sourcing, and optimization processes. Its robust capabilities, including the Supplier Database, Keyword Scout, and Listing Optimization, provide sellers with the insights and tools they need to make informed decisions and maximize their success on the platform. Furthermore, Jungle Scout’s range of pricing options ensures accessibility for sellers at various stages of their journey, whether they’re just starting out or scaling their operations.

Overall, Jungle Scout’s combination of powerful features, user-friendly interface, and flexible pricing makes it an essential companion for anyone looking to thrive in the competitive world of Amazon FBA. With its ability to simplify complex tasks and uncover valuable insights, Jungle Scout empowers sellers to stay ahead of the curve and achieve their business goals with confidence.

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